It's Not Too Late to Plan a National Night Out in Your Neighborhood

As home builders in Charleston, we know how important it is to live in a thriving community. One of the best ways to stimulate that neighborhood connection is to get to know your neighbors. The best way to get to know your neighbors is by hosting a community gathering, BBQ, or block party. Whatever you call the gathering, there is no denying the benefits it has on the community.
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make your neighborhoods safer, and better places to live.
The National Night Out events in Charleston are designed to:
Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs;
Strengthen neighborhood spirit; and
Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
National Night Out takes place the first Tuesday in August, this year it's August 2nd. That means there's more than a month to prepare for your neighborhood event.
How to plan your National Night Out
1. The first step is to talk to your neighbors, and ask for a few volunteers to help organize the event.
2. Choose which kind of event - pot luck, ice cream social, catered, etc.
3. Choose a time and place - National Night Out is August 2nd, but you don't have to have it on that date. A weekend may be more convenient.
4. Create a flier and leave it at the doors of your neighbors.
5. Invite local fire station and police to stop by.
6. Encourage neighbors to bring chairs, paper plates, cups etc and don't forget a large trash bin to collect debris at the end of the evening.
During the event it's important to introduce yourself to everyone. If you have more reserved neighbors help them to get to know other neighbors. Set out a clipboard where people can leave their phone numbers and email addresses. Make copies and distribute after the party. Consider creating a Facebook group for your neighborhood, too.
To learn more about National Night Out check out your local police departments page or click here for the National Night Out website.